Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Light and heavier

Light stuff--

I saw "Pitch Perfect" with a couple girlfriends and we laughed a lot. Musical silly comedies are fun and who can dislike Anna Kendrick? She can sing too! Which may have been the only reason she did the movie, but she's in Twilight as well so you know she likes pay checks. Just kidding, she's Oscar nominated! And based on her podcast appearances, seems like a cool cat.

A cooler cat is Rebel Wilson, and it's worth watching just for her. This movie was cute and worth seeing if you're into cute and forgettable fare. Also, I liked how the male love interest was pretty much the woman in the movie ("Why do you push me away?!"), played by the awesome Skylar Astin, who is in one of my favourite ridiculous musical comedies, that I super recommend: "Hamlet 2". A song from that psycho movie is my anthem during times of stress: "Raped in the Face".

(The only shit part of Pitch Perfect is the borderline racism sometimes, like some weird shit against Asian characters, but maybe I'm being overly sensitive. Whatever the joke was, it wasn't well done.

Dark stuff --

I also saw "Compliance", which, yikes. It's uncomfortable and I can't exactly say I recommend it. Like, read the story and you get it. It's well acted, but I couldn't help feeling like it was borderline...something. Exploitative is too strong a word, but it's in the right direction, you know? A movie that details what's essentially a pervert's successful torture and sexual assault of a young woman...especially because it's based on a "true story"...and you, as the audience, are watching it carried out...well, a little icky. Something icky about putting that story out there in this format.

Still, I think the intention is more so that this is an example of how people will do crazy shit under the mindmeld of authority. Milgram's experiments and Nazism proved that, and this does too...But, ok, as great as Dreamer Walker was in the part, it wasn't believable that a broke 19 year old who works at a fast food chain has a tit job, you know? I'm saying, showing lots of virile naked girl in a movie that's about something this horrific, just seems off-key. Maybe just watch the trailer and read the backstory. It is a decent film though. Not one I'd watch again or take my mom to. And given my law background, I kept flipping shit that people have no idea what their rights are, apparently. Really everyone-- know your rights!!

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