Friday, 23 November 2012

Silverlinings Fever Time

So. I should be doing more to prepare for exams. But at least my amateur comedy attempts are going really well! I saw Silverlinings Playbook the other night. Yeah, it's pretty great. Jennifer Lawrence is the real goddamn deal. Bradley Cooper is less cute than normal, which helps the part immensely, and then Robert DeNiro reminds you why everyone makes such a big deal about DeNiro.

You would probably really enjoy it...Is it my absolute favourite of all time? Well, no. But it lives up to the hype about as much as I thought The Hunger Games did, and that's pretty good. Mental illness is a thing I know well enough...This movie certainly tries to show you that side of life, and they do it quite well. So well that I weirdly cried in the bathroom stall at the theatre after the movie because the character really reminded me of my friend who died.

Note: I cry DURING movies fairly often, the most psychotically being Brokeback Mountain (I cried for honestly the entire last third of that friend was laughing at me a lot) and The Whistleblower (oh HOLY GOD you guys, that one is SAD). Both of those are good movies (actually, Brokeback is one of my top five of all time) but at least Silverlinings is funny too. The crying AFTER the movie thing, that was new. Probably just sad about Jenn-- but what a realistic character, you know?

Also I have a fucking fever right now and I have no time to be sick. I hate hate hate being sick, blah blah obviously, but especially during end of term. Just because, here is another of my favourite underrated comedies (Hamlet 2-- check out my lawyer girl inspiration) and adequately rated drama (if I met someone and they were like "LA Confidential wasn't great" I would say "we will never be friends, sir/madam, that is for sure"-- and if that person was an authority figure of some kind, I would still say that in my head/ with my eyes)

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