Sunday, 3 March 2013

Kelly MacDonald -- Champion

Kelly MacDonald is a champion.

I used to ride a horse named Champion. Champ, as we called him. He was really decent for a school-horse (the poor beasts who get their faces pulled around in riding schools while teaching terrible children to ride). I only rode him when he went insane and bucked off the children while I was teaching daycamp. I had to get on afterwards to train him and he'd fly around, as I cowboy'd him into submission. Poor Champ was so depressed. He would also spend long hours staring at the wall of his stall, totally dead inside, biting the children who tried to put a halter on him. Poor beasts of the world in general, you know?

Kelly MacDonald though. If someone made a movie about Champ the Depressed Schoolhorse, Kelly could play the lead role, even though she's of a different species. That's how good she is.

Kelly The Great:

And just because there are no rules, Champion The Schoolhorse.

You guys, literally anything with Kelly MacDonald is a good movie. She is just so good, and somehow is one of those heros who only chooses greatness with her films. I already mentioned No Country for Old Men. Here are a few:

"Choke" -- Yeah, I'm going to repeat movies that I love (if this is a repeat). I love Chuck Palahniuk books. This was one of my favourite books ever, and they made it into a decent comedy. I'd watch it again, even with other people there to judge my taste.

"The Girl in the Cafe" -- The whole thing is a blatant charity drive in movie form, and it's still incredibly good. Because Kelly MacDonald, you guys. She has these expressive eyes like a vulnerable terrier, and then she can be such a badass at the same time. That is some rare talent. Anyway, if you haven't seen this movie, I highly recommend it. In fact, I kind of want to watch it this afternoon as a pick me up, since last night I had to clean puke out of my car (hazards of being DD). This clip shows the acting and the message, but trust me it's also a very romantic movie! It's Bill Nighy's fault that I've watched Love, Actually so many Christmases in a row.

"Trainspotting"-- Horrifying. More horrifying than Requiem for a Dream. Drugs drugs drugs, they'll ruin your life! If you're into movies, it's surely one you've seen. If you've meant to get around to it, well go ahead. Put it on the calendar. Because it's also funny, in the way that terrible things are funny. In the way true things are funny because everyone is a lunatic, actually. Danny Boyle. He is a hero director. Even if you don't watch the movie, watch this clip, please:

"Gosford Park" -- Hey, Downtown Abbey got all of its best ideas from the greatest movie of all time, Gosford Park. Including Maggie Smith. Yeah. GREATEST. I don't care if I give that title to all of them. If anyone wanted to fight me over the greatness of Gosford Park, I would immediately roll up my sleeves and take out my earrings.

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