The unimportant things that take up my life, besides alcohol. Just kidding! I might also talk about alcohol.

Monday 8 October 2012

My friend said this is garbage

My friends ask me to recommend books sometimes or ask about weird movies I like, so I thought I'd be really clever and write a worthless blog of reviews to point them to...instead of just telling them the book/movie? I don't know, but I just re-read the posts below, with critical eyes, and they're sooooo bad. Maybe I am just an asshole. My family are mostly all terrible. It makes sense that I'd also be awful.

Anyway, to my friends, don't see The Master because it's good, but you mostly hated that time I made us watch Dogville, or that other time we saw Tree of Life and it never ended and I was embarrassed by its nonsense.

Do see: Drop Dead Gorgeous, the 1998 one with Kirsten Dunst and debut performance of Amy Adams. SO FUNNY.

Don't read Bret Easton Ellis' "Less Than Zero". Do read "Must You Go" by Antonia Fraser, who had a years-long affair with a dude who won the Nobel Prize.

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