The unimportant things that take up my life, besides alcohol. Just kidding! I might also talk about alcohol.

Thursday 11 April 2013

All Good Things

"All Good Things" is pretty good.

You should watch it if:

(a) you like the guy who plays Ron Swanson, but want to see what he'd look like as a vulnerable man crying in a car;

(b) you like the guy who is Ryan Gosling and want to see if you'd still do him if he were a psychopath in drag ( comment);

(c) you are curious about how people get away with murder;

(d) you want to see Kirsten Dunst have her spirit broken onscreen and then turn into a believably tragic cocaine addict; or

(e) a creepy stranger invites you to move in with him and you're wondering if that's a good idea.

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