The unimportant things that take up my life, besides alcohol. Just kidding! I might also talk about alcohol.

Saturday 6 April 2013

I'll miss you forever, Ebert

I should put more energy and thought into writing a memorial post for my virtual dad, Roger Ebert. I should but I haven't got it in me right now.

I was just reading his review of "Stoker" last week. God. He was right, also. He said that Matthew Goode has a promising future. See? He and I coincidentally have the same opinion most of the time. Not about "Juno" but many, many flicks. Same thoughts.

Fuck fuck fuck. Death is bullshit. Buy his books, don't read my garbage non-reviews.

As my Kazakhstani friend Anastasia once said, when I asked her why she insisted on chain-smoking, "Everybody dies." It's true. Life is finite. Live live live now, while you can, while you are.

Live life like someone's watching and they'll change the channel if you start to be boring. But don't be cruel. Right? Who knows.

This is a very metaphorical tribute, but I like this as a way to say goodbye to special things, special people, parts of life that are over. But remembered! A show about death knows how to end things.

Here's to you, Ebs. You make me want to be better at everything.

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