The unimportant things that take up my life, besides alcohol. Just kidding! I might also talk about alcohol.

Friday 12 April 2013

Artists are Lovely Assholes

"Art School Confidential" is a movie that I laughed at very hard. I've been told recently my sense of humour is dark.

Fine. This isn't a flick you'd like if you didn't know anything about artists or liberal arts colleges or what counts as funny.

But if you do know about any of those things, this movie is for you! I'd watch it a dozen more times. Nearly every character is a horrible person, behaving ridiculously. It sends up celebrity, idiots, poseurs, snobs, lesbians, cops, professors and hypocrite hot girls!! The best!

When I was a kid, everyone thought I was an art prodigy for 5 minutes. My aunt is a painter and she took me to all these museums. My mom put me in art classes. Then an actual prodigy showed up to my class and everyone made a big deal of his goddamn shoe sketch. I got in the car, age 7, and told my mom "I'm done with art." I still draw with the same skill as I did in Grade 2.

But I'm still fascinated with art and artists, because why not. Here are two books that also make fun of the art scene! "Theft" by Booker Prize winning Peter Carey is the tits. I don't care if you never read, you should read that book. It's hysterical and clever. "An Object of Beauty" is another book about criminals in the art world, only it's written by Steve fucking Martin. And actually it's pretty good.

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